BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jembrana Regency

We are ready to apply bureaucratic reform by implementing an integrity zone in all aspects of our work towards a Corruption Free Area and a Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Region.

You can submit a service complaint to us here or access the People's Online Aspiration and Complaints Service (LAPOR) here

Online Services for Integrated Statistics Services BPS-Statistics Jembrana Regency can be via email bps5101@bps.go.id or fill in our service innovation link "ASMARA" at https://s.bps.go.id/asmara - All of our services are free (no charge)

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[Company Profile] - Badan Pusat Statistik, Mencerdaskan Bangsa dengan Data

[Company Profile] - Badan Pusat Statistik, Mencerdaskan Bangsa dengan Data

[Videografis] Sistem Informasi Layanan Statistik BPS

[Videografis] Sistem Informasi Layanan Statistik BPS

Sekilas PPID BPS

Sekilas PPID BPS

Manfaat Data BPS

Manfaat Data BPS

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Jembrana (BPS - Statistics of Jembrana Regency)Jl. Mayor Sugianyar No. 15

Kabupaten Jembrana

Provinsi BaliTelp (0365) 41132

Faks (0365) 42675

Email : bps5101@bps.go.id





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