Visit of Auditor Team of Main Inspectorate and Chief Statistician of Bali Province - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jembrana Regency

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Visit of Auditor Team of Main Inspectorate and Chief Statistician of Bali Province

Visit of Auditor Team of Main Inspectorate and Chief Statistician of Bali Province

May 22, 2018 | Other Activities

In May 2018, BPS-Statistics of Jembrana Regency get an opportunity to visit the auditor team of the Main Inspectorate. The auditor team audits the fiscal year 2017 and the first quarter of fiscal year 2018. This activity lasted for two days ie on 21 s.d. May 22, 2018. On the last day of the audit, Chief Statistician of Bali Province also made a visit to BPS-Statistics of Jembrana Regency to see the activities of PKPT and to evaluate some activities that are being done by BPS-Statistics of Jembrana Regency.
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