Announcement of Administrative Selection Results for ST2023 Officer Candidates - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jembrana Regency

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Announcement of Administrative Selection Results for ST2023 Officer Candidates

Announcement of Administrative Selection Results for ST2023 Officer Candidates

March 17, 2023 | BPS Activities

Halloo #SahabatData Jembrana

Administrative selection results can be accessed on this link. Furthermore, there are several steps that must be carried out by #SahabatData who pass the administrative selection. Among them are:
  1. Re-register through the BPS SOBAT application in the period 17-24 March 2023. Registration and re-registration guidelines are listed in attachment 2.
  2. Competency selection and written interviews through the BPS e-learning platform on Friday, 24 March 2023 (08.30-09.00 WITA). Selection guidelines on the BPS e-learning platform are listed in attachment 3.
  3. Face-to-face interview selection at BPS Jembrana Regency on Monday, March 27 2023 with a schedule of 08.00-12.00 WITA (Negara Sub-district, Melaya, Pekutatan) and 13.00-16.30 WITA (Jembrana Sub-district, Mendoyo).

Congratulations to #SahabatData who have passed the selection

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