Development of the Denpasar City and Singaraja City Combined Consumer Price Index September 2022 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jembrana Regency

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Development of the Denpasar City and Singaraja City Combined Consumer Price Index September 2022

Release Date : October 3, 2022
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In September 2022 the Combined CPI of Denpasar City and Singaraja City recorded inflation as high as 0.54 percent as indicated by an increase in the Consumer Price Index (base year 2018=100) from 111.85 in August 2022 to 112.45 in September 2022. Meanwhile , the inflation rate for the calendar year (year to date/ytd) in September 2022 was 5.45 percent. The year-on-year inflation rate (September 2022 against September 2021 or YoY) was recorded as high as 6.84 percent.

Inflation occurred due to the increase in the prices of public consumption goods/services as indicated by the increase in CPI in seven expenditure groups, namely: group VI (transportation) as high as 9.47 percent; group X (providing food and beverages/restaurants) as high as 0.70 percent; group VIII (recreation, sports, and culture) as high as 0.38 percent; group III (housing, water, electricity, and household fuel) as high as 0.22 percent; group II (clothing and footwear) as high as 0.21 percent; group V (health) as high as 0.08 percent; and group VII (information, communication, and financial services) as high as 0.01 percent. Meanwhile, four other groups recorded deflation, namely group IV (equipment, equipment and routine household maintenance) at 2.72 percent; group I (food, beverages and tobacco) at 1.75 percent; and group XI (personal care and other services) as deep as 0.11 percent. On the other hand, group IX (education) was stable.

Of the 90 CPI cities, 88 cities experienced inflation and 2 cities experienced deflation. The highest inflation was recorded in the City of Bukittinggi (West Sumatra) as high as 1.87 percent, while the lowest inflation was recorded in the City of Merauke (Papua) as high as 0.07 percent. The deepest deflation was recorded in the City of Manokwari (West Papua) as deep as 0.64 percent, while the shallowest deflation was recorded in the City of Timika (Papua) as deep as 0.59 percent. If sorted from the highest inflation, Denpasar City ranks 75th and Singaraja City ranks 85th out of 88 cities experiencing inflation.
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